The following are “JS4Scratch Reserved” words and cannot be used as variables, labels or function names.
Backdrop | distanceTo | setPenColor | broadcastMessageWait |
addClass | glide | setPenSize | css |
addTo | goTo | setRotationStyle | delete |
css | goTowards | setSize | hasClass |
hasClass | hasClass | setX | invoke |
removeClass | hide | setY | isKeyPressed |
removeFrom | inner | show | nextBackdrop |
Costume | insert | stopSounds | playSound |
addClass | invoke | switchCostumeTo | playSoundLoop |
addTo | isTouching | switchCostumeToNum | playSoundUntilDone |
css | isTouchingBackdropColor | think | reresh |
hasClass | isTouchingEdge | thinkWait | removeBackdrop |
inner | move | touching | removeBackdropNum |
insert | nextCostume | touchingBackdropColor | removeClass |
removeClass | penClear | touchingEdge | removeSprite |
removeFrom | penDown | turnLet | sendSpriteBackwards |
resizeToImage | penUp | turnRight | sendSpriteForward |
Sprite | playSound | wait | sendSpriteToBack |
addClass | playSoundLoop | whenClicked | sendSpriteToront |
addCostume | playSoundUntilDone | whenCloned | stopSounds |
addTo | pointInDirection | whenEvent | switchBackdropTo |
ask | pointTowards | whenlag | switchBackdropToNum |
broadcastMessage | reresh | whenKeyPressed | wait |
broadcastMessage | removeClass | whenLoaded | whenClicked |
changePenSize | removeCostume | whenReceiveMessage | whenEvent |
changeSize | removeCostumeNum | Stage | whenlag |
changeX | removeFrom | addBackdrop | whenKeyPressed |
changeY | resizeToImage | addClass | whenLoaded |
clone | say | addSprite | whenReceiveMessage |
css | sayWait | broadcastMessage | zoom |
Additionally, the following are “JavaScript Reserved” words and also cannot be used as variables, labels or function names.
abstract | arguments | await | boolean |
break | byte | case | catch |
char | class | const | continue |
debugger | default | delete | do |
double | else | enum | eval |
export | extends | false | final |
finally | float | for | function |
goto | if | implements | import |
in | instanceof | int | interface |
let | long | native | new |
null | package | private | protected |
public | return | short | static |
super | switch | synchronized | this |
throw | throws | transient | true |
try | typeof | var | void |
volatile | while | with | yield |